Required Sexual Harassment Training for All Illinois Employers

Effective January 1, 2020, Illinois employers are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees each year. While there is no set requirement for Indiana employers, you may still want to review the information below. The annual required sexual harassment training must include:

  • An explanation of sexual harassment.
  • Examples of conduct that constitutes unlawful sexual harassment
  • A summary of federal and state statutory provisions, including remedies available to victims of sexual harassment.
  • A summary of the responsibilities of employers for prevention, investigation, and corrective measures of sexual harassment.

For more information on this, please visit the Illinois Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program Details. You can even obtain a complimentary training for this by contacting the Illinois Department of Human Rights by phone at 312-814-2477 or by E-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Downloadable Training Programs

PowerPoint Format

PDF Format

Other Information

FAQ for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Minimum Training Standards

If you have any questions, please reach out your consultant at PBM.